
The Global Mission unit is responsible for the ELCA's mission outside the United States.
ELCA Global Missions Newsletter: Stay informed, be inspired, and get involved through Global Links, a brief monthly e-newsletter from ELCA Global Mission.
Wartburg is one of eight theological seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Wartburg's home is located on a beautiful 30 acre campus atop one of the limestone ridges of Dubuque, Iowa.
Struggling to Find a Meaningful Gift? This year consider a piglet for a gift. Piglets aren't only cute, they also provide a steady income for a family in need.
Lutheran Bible Camps
There are two ELCE Bible Camps. Learn more about these camps and what they offer:
Sugar Creek Bible Camp
Lutherdale Bible Camp
We work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering. LWR acts on behalf of U.S. Lutherans, the ELCA, and the LCMS as a common expression of our faith through international relief and development.

What Matters SCSW-ELCA Weekly News

SCSW-ELCA Magazine Walking Together